Moments ago at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada, 8-division former world champion Manny Pacquiao scored a
relatively easy unanimous decision victory over former world champion Timothy Bradley. Although Bradley came with a new game plan thanks to trainer Teddy Atlas, it didn't matter against the superior speed and skills of Pacquiao, who constantly beat him to the punch with his left hand. After dropping Bradley to the canvas both in the 7th and 9th rounds, Pacquiao was in full control heading into the championship rounds. In the end, all three judges scored the bout 116-110, 116-110, and 116-110 in favor of Manny Pacquiao. Relive all the action in FightHype's round-by-round results!
Bradley lands a jab. Pacquiao gets in a short right, but he eats a stiff jab. Bradley keeping his jab working. Another jab lands for Bradley. Pacquiao lands a left down the middle. Bradley fires a right. Pacquiao lands another left down the middle. Close round. Not much to choose from, but I give it to Bradley.
Pacquiao 9 Bradley 10
Right lands for Bradley, but he eats a left from Pacquiao. Left hook lands for Bradley. Left down the middle lands for Pacquiao. Again. Right hand lands inside for Bradley. Right to the body lands for Bradley. Pacquiao digs a left to the body. Solid left down the middle lands for Pacquiao. Another left lands for Pacquiao. And a right lands for Pacquiao. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 19 Bradley 19
Pacquiao lands a left. Bradley misses with a wild left hook. Right lands for Pacquiao. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Bradley lands a left hook. Good right lands for Bradley. Short left inside lands for Pacquiao. Bradley gets in a right to the body. Quick right lands for Pacquiao. Right hook lands for Pacquiao. Bradley jabs to the body. Right to the body gets in for Bradley. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 29 Bradley 28
Left hook gets in for Bradley. A couple of rights land upstairs for Bradley. Left to the body lands for Bradley. Left hand lands for Pacquiao. Another left from Pacquiao. Pacquiao bangs his gloves wanting to trade. Bradley fires to the body. Bradley lands a right, but he eats a left from Pacquiao. Another left lands for Pacquiao. Bradley lands a right. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 39 Bradley 37
Good 1-2 from Bradley pushes Pacquiao back. Right lands for Pacquiao. Looping left hook lands for Bradley. Nice left lands for Pacquiao. Another left lands for Pacquiao. Bradley fires to the body along the ropes. Counter right lands for Bradley. Pacquiao gets in a left. Right hand lands for Bradley. Right and a left uppercut lands for Bradley. Solid left hook lands for Bradley. Right hand lands for Bradley. Pacquiao flurries. They trade big shots. Good, close round. I give it to Bradley, but Pacquiao may have stolen it on some cards based on that last minute.
Pacquiao 48 Bradley 47
Right and a left hook lands for Bradley. Left hook lands for Pacquiao. They trade right hands. Good right lands for Pacquiao. Bradley lands a right, but eats a left from Pacquiao. Another left from Pacquiao backs Bradley up. Right hand lands for Bradley. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 58 Bradley 56
Straight left lands for Pacquiao. Right lands for Bradley, but he eats a left from Pacquiao. Good 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Bradley lands a right upstairs. Right lands for Pacquiao. Bradley blasts a right through Pacquiao's guard. Pacquiao lands a right, Bradley looks like he slips to the canvas, and it's ruled a knockdown. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 68 Bradley 64
Left lands for Pacquiao. Bradley lands a right upstairs and to the body. Short right lands for Pacquiao. Bradley not offering much of an attack right now that can change the outcome; looks like he's hoping to land a counter. Counter right lands for Bradley. Left hand lands for Bradley. Good right and a left lands for Bradley. Pacquiao looks hurt. Bradley jumps on him and unloads a flurry against the ropes. Pacquiao smiles at him. They trade some punches on the inside. Round to Bradley.
Pacquiao 77 Bradley 74
Bradley lands a right down the middle. Right hook lands for Pacquiao. Left lands for Pacquiao. Right lands for Bradley. Pacquiao lands a left. 1-2 from Bradley. Jab lands for Bradley. They trade some shots on the inside. Pacquiao lands a left usptairs. HARD left lands for Pacquiao. Another left from Pacquiao sends Bradley to the canvas. He's up and takes the count. Right lands for Bradley. Another left lands for Pacuiao. Right lands for Bradley. Pacquiao hits him with a quick combo. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 87 Bradley 82
Jab lands for Bradley. Good body shot lands for Pacquiao. Quick right lands for Pacquiao. Bradley looking frustrated in there. Good right lands for Bradley and Pacquiao backs up. Bradley jabs. Pacquiao having in there. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Hard left lands for Pacquiao again. Another left lands for Pacquiao, but he eats a right from Bradley. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 97 Bradley 91
Bradley looked dejected in his corner. Bradley comes out flicking his jab. Pacquiao walks through it. Jab lands for Bradley. Pacquiao lands a right. Bradley lands a right. Pacquiao lands a left, but he eata s right from bradley. Quick right lands for Pacquiao. Right lands for Bradley. Pacquiao lands a right. Uneventful round, but I give it to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 107 Bradley 100
Bradley fires to the body. Pacquiao lands a right hook. Right lands for Bradley. Quick left lands for Pacquiao upstairs. Jab and a right lands for Pacquiao. Bradley tries to rough him on the inside. Uppercut lands for Bradley. They clinch. Left lands for Pacquiao. Bradley digs to the body. Left and an uppercut lands for Bradley. Pacquiao lands a right and a left. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 117 Bradley 109
Official judges scorecards: 116-110, 116-110, 116-110
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